Why Did I Choose My Avatar?

I chose my avatar (I made it here: Face Your Manga) to look the way it does because I have had an inspiration to make my own character. So no, my avatar is DEFINITELY not how I look in real life. So, as you can see, my character has purple hair, a big and bright smile, and some whiskers on her cheeks. I chose these because I have always been in LOVE with cats and,since I loved them so much, I decided to make her a have little whiskers just for fun! Then I decided to add purple hair since my favorite color in real life is purple. Finally I added a BRIGHT big smile. It may not seem much, and you may think that I just added it for decoration but I had a reason to put that smile there. First off, even though I was creating a fictional character I still wanted to add a few traits about me so, I decided to add a big smile. The smile represents how I am a VERY happy person. I always try to cheer people up, I don’t judge what people like to do, and i’m not an ignorant.


My Avatar!





2 thoughts on “Why Did I Choose My Avatar?

  1. I like how you added, why you put different features on the avatar. I wish that you added some other colors too it. I wonder what other traits there was on the avatar?

  2. Hi Victoria!
    I did not add many colors to my avatar because I do not like very colorful colors and enjoy neutral colors more. I guess another trait that I could add is that my avatar is socially awkard. I would choose this because I am not good at small talk. Anyways thank you for reading my blog! I was wondering why did YOU choose your avatar?

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